Mount And Blade Warphilia
Allowed file types:jpg, jpeg, gif, png, webm, mp4, swf, pdf Max filesize is 16 MB. Max image dimensions are 15000 x 15000. You may upload 5 per post. Like Mount & Blade on Facebook and follow us on Twitter! Mount & Blade Engine. The Pioneer's Guild - Mods Under Construction. Another topic for SOTT (which is more or less warphilia 0.9 prealpha) got locked and the links deleted. Just a heads up. ZeroNoID Sergeant. Best answers 0.
Fretting. Data glue for mac. Binding. Inlays.
'Very much active' edition.(Looted) thread: READ THE PASTEBIN BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS.LATEST BANNERLORD INFO/VIDEOS:Taleworlds will be at E3 2017: Big surprise.Gamescom Siege video:Interviews with Armagan at Gamescom '16:Last blog:OLDER BANNERLORD INFO/VIDEOS: See PastebinPASTEBIN:M&B Wiki:NOOB GUIDE:user's mods and upstab guide:/mbg/ SteamgroupNew Modules:Modded Hispania 1200Dickplomacy SubmodParabellum: Get it while its hot'I made a mod recently or updated it. Link to the OP in your post so that it might be easier to find for the one making the next OP (also for regular people). Camp scenes, new world map icons and improved party icons; new world map parties (levy reinforcements and refugees), improved siege scenes, FormationsAI, some new city scenes, added character background options, optional face and body mods, a few quality of life features beyond standard Diplomacy, and it's also the most cleaned and up-to-date Diplomacy release. All in all the best Native+ mod to exist, the only thing it has missing from some others is it doesn't have any form of sea travel (although every form of sea travel has something wrong with it from my experience). Oh the only other thing I dislike about Dickplomacy, is that Firearms proficiency is unhidden, while it's impossible to acquire firearms without console cheating.