Best Ls1 Tuning Software


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Best Power Programmers & Performance Tuners for Chevy Silverado 5.3L. A performance programmer is one of the best investments you could make for any vehicle, but that goes double for the Chevy Silverado 5.3L.

TunerPro and TunerPro RT - Professional Automobile Tuning Software•WelcomeWelcome to TunerProis a free, donate-if-you-like-it tuning platform aimed at makingtuning easier and cheaper for the hobbyist and professional alike. TunerPro started life in early March of 2003 as an educational project and was originally created totune GM vehicles between model years 1985 and 1995. TunerPro hassince grown into a very robust tuning tool.


The projecthas a few simple goals: It should be available for freein its essence, it should be better than whats available in itsclass, it should remain accessible to its target audience, and it shouldbe fun for me to develop. TunerPro will continue to grow and evolve.I hope to continue to add support for other automobile (and maybenon-automobile?!) platforms out there. Stay tuned!I will continue todevelop and improve TunerPro for as long as it is fun and as longas there is interest, support, and feedback.TunerPro supports many vehicle makes and models, including GM OBDI(pre-96), Ford EECIV and EECV, early and mid-90's Nissan, DSM (Mitsubishi), Buell, BMW, Porsche, Renault (Fenix 1 and 3), Ducati, and more. Definitions may be created formany other applications with more to come! I'm currently aware of users experimenting with Volkswagen, Subaru, and more. Tuning definition files can also be found elsewhere on the Internet, so if you don't find it here, consult your favorite search engine.PleaseTunerPro's features for yourself!Interested in the?• NewsNovember 19th, 2014 - New build availableA new build of TunerPro has been uploaded. Check it out.• Development and Other InfoTunerPro is developed in C Win32 API (withoutMFC/ATL/COM) using Visual Studio on Windows 7.

As of October 2010, TunerPro (version 5) in its entirety, includingall custom controls, comprises 103,000 lines of code (just code lines - no comments or whitespace). TunerPro is a closed-source project. There is a simple plug-in SDK available to enable some opportunities for 3rd-party development.I enjoy learning from my experiences while writing TunerPro and its related software. Your feedback and support is alwaysappreciated and encouraging.I own a 1989 Trans Am, 1227165 ECM, 6E mask. Ilike to think I know lots about my car.

Yaesu FRG-965 SPECIFICATIONS Type: VHF/UHF receiver/scanner Frequency range: 60-905 MHz Mode: AM/FM/WFM/SSB Receiver system: N/A Sensitivity: N/A Selectivity: N/A Image rejection: N/A Voltage: 12-15 VDC Current drain: Max? MA Impedance: 50 ohms, SO-239 Dimensions (W.H.D): 180.80.220 mm Weight: 2.2 Kg Manufactured: Japan, 198x-19xx (Discontinued) Other: TV tuner front end (!). View and Download Yaesu FRG-9600 operating manual online. All band, all mode vhf/uhf scanning receivers. FRG-9600 Receiver pdf manual download. Yaesu frg 965 manual pdf. Created Date: 10/5/2010 1:15:02 PM. YAESU FRG-9600 Service manual Author: YAESU MUSEUM Subject: Receiver Keywords: YAESU FRG-9600 Created Date: 9/29/2002 10:25:46 AM.

I know for sure that I knowmuch less about other setups, so please consider other resourcesbefore asking me (personally) questions about your particular (different)setup. I might have an answer, but its probably not the best. Seethe resources/links and community pages on this web site.Below is an old picture of the development hardware that I used in the early days of developmkent.

This hardware reduces the amount of code that has to be written from the driver's seat during development.